Do you want to know if can desktop ram be used in laptops? Well, if you are also struggling with this question in your mind, then you don’t have to struggle with it much as we will give you a clarity regarding this.
There was a time when simply adding more (or faster) memory would speed up a sluggish laptop. Today, though, it’s not always ideal to start with that improvement.
Well, if you want to boost the performance of your laptop then upgrading your laptop’s RAM is a must. The temporary data that your computer needs to access fast is kept in Random Access Memory.
If you want your laptop to work fast, then it requires more RAM so that it can work smoothly and efficiently. However, if you rush out and buy a new RAM module, here are some things to know before upgrading Laptop ram.
Factors To Consider For a Successful RAM Upgrade

1. Check for Compatibility
This is the initial thing which you have to check before purchasing a new RAM module for your laptop as not every RAM is compatible with your laptop. So, you have to check that the RAM module which you are going to buy is compatible with your laptop or not.
Now, you must be thinking about how you will check the compatibility, right? Well, you can check the compatibility by visiting your manufacturer’s website. Also, check the type of RAM your laptop uses.
2. Check the Number of Available RAM Slots
The quantity of Memory slots that are accessible on your laptop should also be taken into account. In contrast to others, some laptops contain 2 or more slots. If your laptop just has one slot, you can install additional memory without changing the current components.
If you want to know how many memory slots your laptop has, check the manual or the manufacturer’s website.
3. Operating System
The most upgradeable memory is indicated by your operating system. For instance, up to 2 TB may be supported by Windows 10 professional, as opposed to 128 GB by Windows 10 Home. These operating system restrictions, however, are “just hypothetical”.
Everything ultimately comes down to how much space your CPU and memory slots have available. The actual memory values would be far lower than the operating system.
4. Temporal Flow
Be that the RAM you are adding to your computer is operating at the same clock speed as the RAM that is already there.
Be sure the Memory you upgrade to matches the clock speed of your processor if you are replacing your current RAM with a new set. When they are different. The processor must wait for instructions from the RAM, losing valuable processing time.
Yet, up to a certain point, overclocking is permitted. You can simply find a 2666 MHz DDR4 Memory online if your processor operates at that frequency.
5. Installation
Finally, think about the RAM upgrade installation process for your laptop. While some laptops feature RAM Slots that are simple to access, others could require you to take the keyboard or other components out in order to get at the RAM.
If opening up your laptop makes you uncomfortable, you might want to think about hiring a pro to install the new RAM. In order to prevent damaging your laptop throughout the installation process, be sure to ground yourself and adhere to the correct anti-static techniques.
Have you now understood, “Can Desktop RAM be used in Laptops?” Well, we hope you do!
Which Is Better to Upgrade RAM or SSD?

Both RAM and an SSD are potential remedies if your machine is not quick enough. The best choice for your PC mostly depends on its characteristics.
Usually, RAM is the best choice. A computer’s memory capacity has a greater overall impact on operating speeds. Yet there are a few outliers.
Increasing the RAM on your computer won’t make much of a difference if it already has lots of RAM. For most tasks, 8GB of RAM is sufficient, and having more than 16GB is typically not required.
It also depends on what your laptop or PC is demanding to upgrade, in this case, you can take your laptop to your manufacturer to know what you should upgrade.
So, is your doubt now clear regarding, “Can Desktop RAM be used in Laptops?” Well, we hope you might get some clarity on what things you should consider before upgrading your laptop RAM.
Upgrading the RAM of your laptop can be a cost-effective method as it will boost the performance of your laptop. So, adhere to all the things given above before making a purchase for a RAM module.
Q: – Is it safe to upgrade laptop RAM?
A: – Your CPU will be able to retrieve data quicker and easier with more memory which could improve performance. For the best gaming laptops under $1,500 and under $1,000, many of which ship with just 18GB on board, upgrading is a terrific way to boost performance.
Q: – What do I need to know before installing more RAM?
A: – You need to know that you have to check the laptop’s operating system, available memory slots and a few more things before installing more RAM in your laptop.
Q: – What is the disadvantage of increasing RAM?
A: – Even when you have enough RAM, adding too much will eventually compromise the computer’s performance. At a certain point, the value of the additional RAM will begin to decline due to the law of diminishing returns.